Agricultural Development Trust's

Shardabai Pawar Mahila Arts, Commerce & Science College

Shardanagar, Malegaon Bk., Tal- Baramati , Dist - Pune , 413115, Maharashtra, India

Affiliated to SPPU, Pune

NAAC 'A' Grade

DSIR - SIRO Recognition

DBT - STAR College Scheme

Approval u/s 35 AC 1/(ii) of IT Act

MoFP, GoI's
Incubation Centre

Recognition as Best Innovative College

Alumni Registration & Feedback



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How do you rate the following:

    1. Curriculum of the programme completed at SPMC
    2. Relevance of curriculum with the current occupation
    3. Facilities provided at SPMC
      a. Classrooms and labs
      b. Library
      c. Sports and cultural facilities
      d. ICT
      e. Other infrastructure
    4. The knowledge and preparedness of teachers :
    5. Other remarks

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