Sr.No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Contact Number |
1 | Dr. S. V. Mahamuni | Chairman | 9822756250 |
2 | Dr. P. V. Jadhav | Member, B. Voc. faculty | 9096191104 |
3 | Prof. H. V. Wanve | College Examination Officer | 9011420022 |
4 | Prof. V. V. Chandane | Member, Arts faculty | 9921916823 |
7 | Prof. S. T. Taware | Member, Home Science faculty | 9657774755 |
Sr.No. | Name of the Member | Contact Number |
1 | Shri. R. S. Gaikwad | 9822160837 |
2 | Sou. S. V.Bhosale | 9604312261 |
3 | Shri. A. P.Pansare | 7588184603 |
1) Regular CCIA - I
2) Regular CCIA - II
3) Backlog 2013 Pattern
4) Backlog/ Performance Improvement Exam. - 2019 Pattern (CBCS)
5) Term End Exam.
6) Special Term End Exam. (Who has not conducted Term End Exam. because of participation to Sick, Sport, NSS, NCC etc.)
7) University Exam. Theory ( Annual Pattern ) - (October/November) (T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. Only for Academic year 2020-2021 again Semester pattern )
8) University Exam. Semester - I, Theory - (October/November) (All faculty & Class - Leaving the T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. class)
9) University Exam. Practical ( Annual Pattern ) - (October/November) (T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. Only for Academic year 2020-2021 again Semester pattern )
10) University Exam. Semester - I, Practical - (October/November) (All faculty & Class - Leaving the T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. class)
11) University Exam. Theory ( Annual Pattern ) - (March/April) (T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. Only for Academic year 2020-2021 again Semester pattern )
12) University Exam. Semester - II, Theory - (March/April) (All faculty & Class - Leaving the T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. class)
13) University Exam. Practical ( Annual Pattern ) - (March/April) (T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. Only for Academic year 2020-2021 again Semester pattern )
14) University Exam. Semester - II, Practical - (March/April) (All faculty & Class - Leaving the T.Y.B.A. & B.Com. class)